
10 Week CHILD Prepay Program 2024

Original price was: $172.00.Current price is: $157.00.

Purchases 20


This is a Prepayment Program for our Karate schools that offer a 10% discount on regular class fees over the term.

Term Registration – Included ✅
All Classes (10x) for term – Included ✅
Grading Fees – Included ✅
Any missed classes can be made up at any &
of our locations or double classes done to
retain attendance for grading ✅

Please note – Prepaid credit only valid within the term purchased and immediatly expires thereafter – If you can provide a DR Certificate as to a genuine health reason that prevented you from attending, this will be accepted and credit for the missed classes extended.

Active Kids Vouchers must be applied for seperatly and can not be processed online, to submit your active kids voucher please click here